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  • Copy of 2020 | horowitz-foundation

    2020 Grant Recipients Danielle Adams Assessing real-world access to community-based mental health services for adolescents: A mixed-methods, simulated client study Danielle Adams is a PhD Candidate at the University of Chicago’s Crown Family School of Social Work, Policy, and Practice. Her research uses mixed methods to understand and improve the accessibility of mental health services for children and adolescents in community-based settings. Despite the availability of effective treatments for mental health disorders, less than half of all adolescents with mental health disorders ever receive treatment. Adams’ mixed-methods study aims to increase timely access to mental health services in community-based outpatient health agencies. Her dissertation rigorously assesses access to evidence-based mental health services available to youth in community-based settings using a mystery shopper methodology. Policy recommendations will be developed with and disseminated to policymakers. Alex Albright Free To Go: The Effects of Eliminating Financial Bail ​ Irving Louis Horowitz Award Alex Albright is a PhD candidate in economics at Harvard University. Her research spans both the intersection of law and economics and economic history. Albright’s dissertation aims to investigate the effects of ending the use of “money bail” on total social costs. Her research uses data from a unique policy change in Kentucky. Leveraging policy design features, she illustrates the social trade-offs in tying money requirements to treatment and outcomes in the criminal justice system. Matt Barno Understanding Police Reform: Lesson’s from LAPD’s Experience with Consent Decree Regulation Matt Barno is a graduate of Harvard Law School (2015) and a current PhD candidate in Criminology, Law & Society at the University of California, Irvine. His research empirically assesses criminal justice policies, programs, and practices using quantitative and qualitative research methods. Barno’s dissertation employs a mixed-method approach using archival, quantitative, interview, and observational data to critically analyze the Los Angeles Police Department’s (LAPD) reform efforts both historically and contemporaneously. The project uses a historical analysis of past reform efforts to frame and contextualize current department reform efforts and develops a new theoretical perspective for understanding change and continuity within police organizations. Adrita Barooah How Do States Vary in the Admission and Care of People with Mental Illness in Nursing Homes? Adrita Barooah is a Ph.D. candidate in Gerontology at the University of Massachusetts, Boston. Her research interests include U.S. long-term care services and supports, mental health care among older adults, and the direct care workforce. She holds M.S. degrees in Gerontology, Mental Health Counseling, and Human Development and Childhood Studies. Barooah’s dissertation explores how variations in state policies impact nursing home admission rates, the quality of mental health care for individuals with mental illness in these facilities, and the predictors of mental health deficiencies in nursing homes. Joseph Bruch The Implications of Private Equity in Healthcare ​ Trustee’s Award Joseph Bruch received his Ph.D. in Population Health Sciences from Harvard University in 2021. He is a social epidemiologist investigating the ways financial systems, policies, and institutions affect public health and healthcare. Bruch’s project provides one of the first empirical assessments of private equity’s influence in healthcare. He evaluates changes in profit, quality, and utilization following a private equity acquisition of a healthcare organization, focusing on hospitals, fertility clinics, and ambulatory surgical centers. Carlos Alberto Echeverria-Estrada Local Immigration Enforcement and Bureaucratic Discretion: Why Do US Counties Accept the Mexican Consular Card from Unauthorized Immigrants? ​ Harold D. Lasswell Award Carlos Alberto Echeverria-Estrada is a policy analyst with experience on program and policy evaluation working with governments, inter-governmental agencies, and non-profits in 12 countries. As a PhD candidate at Claremont Graduate University in public policy, he focuses on migration governance, outcomes measurement, and data analytics and visualization. He continues promoting the use of findings and strengthening trust in data. U.S. county bureaucrats use discretion when interpreting immigration law, including decisions of bureaucratic incorporation of immigrants (BII), that promote local membership rights. Local recognition of consular cards as ID forms from unauthorized immigrants is a BII policy that faces scrutiny vis-à-vis the official policies of alienage and immigration enforcement. Using a mixed-methods design, Echeverria-Estrada analyzes the role of county limits to collaboration with ICE on the willingness of service-oriented county agencies to recognize consular cards. Erica Linn Eliason The Effects of Health Insurance Eligibility Policies on Maternal Care Access and Childbirth Outcomes Erica Eliason is a Social Policy Analysis and Economics PhD candidate at Columbia University School of Social Work. Her research examines the effects of health care policies on maternal, child, and reproductive health outcomes, focusing particularly on Medicaid policies and the low-income population. Eliason’s dissertation examines three health insurance eligibility policies and their impact on maternal health outcomes for low-income women of reproductive age. The first paper examines the effects of expanded eligibility for Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) on fertility among low-income women of childbearing age. The second paper explores the effect of presumptive eligibility policies in Medicaid for pregnant women on access to prenatal care and health insurance coverage. Finally, the third paper exploits state-level differences in eligibility for public versus private insurance under the ACA, and the effects on perinatal coverage patterns, childbirth outcomes, and access to care. Magdalena Eitenberger Cyborgs in the Healthcare System: A Policy Analysis of Access to Wearable Technologies for Type 1 Diabetes ​ Martinus Nijhoff Award Magdalena Eitenberger is a PhD Candidate in Political Science at the University of Vienna and a Junior Research Fellow at the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Digital Health and Patient Safety. Her research focuses on health technologies, needs-based digital healthcare, and decision-making processes in public health policy. Magdalena Eitenberger’s project analyzes the social policies around type 1 diabetes technologies. In Austria, the public healthcare system theoretically provides everyone living with type 1 diabetes with the gold standard of wearable devices to manage blood glucose and insulin. For many, however, access is obstructed through entrenched systems of exclusion and discrimination. The project maps out decision-making networks by triangulating interviews, observational data, and policy document analysis. It identifies gaps and obstructions in healthcare technology access, giving policy recommendations for sustainable change in Austria’s healthcare landscape. Maria-Elena Giner Did we make a difference? Assessing the Impact of Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Along the Texas-Mexico Border Maria-Elena Giner is a PhD candidate of public policy at the University of Texas at Austin LBJ’s School of Public Affairs. Her research focuses on public policy and municipal infrastructure, specifically on evidence-based policy-making that includes monitoring and evaluating programs and measuring results based on quantitative and qualitative methods. Infrastructure is typically implemented to address a social need yet is not regularly evaluated to assess its performance against its original objectives. Giner’s research applies a mixed-methods approach for measuring the results of first-time water and wastewater infrastructure on water-borne diseases for traditionally underserved neighborhoods called colonias in Texas. Kurt Hager Cost-Effectiveness of Expanding Medically Tailored Meal Coverage for Individuals with Diet-Sensitive Disease ​ Eli Ginzberg Award Kurt Hager is a PhD Candidate at Tufts University. His work has centered on alleviating poverty and improving nutrition for low-income populations in the US. Hager has held roles at the Center for Health Law and Policy Innovation at Harvard Law School, Second Harvest Heartland, and Children’s Health Watch. Kurt Hager’s dissertation is focused on the effectiveness of nutrition programs and policies integrated into healthcare in the US. Hager is modeling how changes in Medicare and Medicaid coverage of medically tailored meals could improve health outcomes, healthcare utilization, and healthcare costs for low-income patients with diet-related chronic disease. Jeehee Han The Spillover Effects of Source of Income Anti-Discrimination Laws of Public Housing Jeehee Han is a PhD Candidate in the Maxwell School’s Department of Public Administration at Syracuse University. She will serve as an Accountability, Climate, Equity, and Scholarship (ACES) Fellow and a Visiting Assistant Professor at the Bush School at Texas A&M University starting August 2021. Han’s project examines whether and to what extent source of income (SOI) anti-discrimination laws affect the sociodemographic composition of households living in public housing. Landlord discrimination is a major barrier to voucher utilization, disproportionately affecting socioeconomically disadvantaged families, and prohibiting such discrimination may improve voucher utilization and further affect the pool of applicants/recipients of public housing. She finds potentially positive spillover effects of SOI laws that may alleviate “concentration of poverty” in public housing. Stephanie Holcomb A Patchy Safety Net: Analyzing County-Level Variation in Access to Cash Assistance Stephanie Holcomb is a doctoral candidate at Rutgers University. Stephanie’s research focuses on access to the social safety net, equity in the labor market, and program evaluation of education and training programs. In her dissertation, she explores how county-level administration of cash assistance affects program access and equity. To do this, Holcomb uses mixed-methods to analyze county-level differences in the implementation of Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) and to investigate the way in which these differences relate to geographic and demographic inequities in access to cash assistance for low-income families throughout New Jersey before and during the current economic recession. Hyein Kang The Child Tax Credit and Labor Market Outcomes of Mothers Hyein Kang is a PhD candidate in economics at the University of Kentucky. Her research interests are labor and public economics, with a special interest in female labor supply, inequality, childhood poverty programs, and understanding the impacts of government policies on low-income families. Kang’s dissertation examines the impact of the Child Tax Credit (CTC) on labor supply of single and married mothers. The CTC is an in-work tax benefit for working individuals with dependent children under age 17. The project uses variation from simulated tax benefits, changes in the maximum credit generosity, and event study empirical methods to understand how child-rearing subsidies affected maternal labor supply behavior. Alexis Kennedy Examining Stakeholder Relationships, Priorities, Values, and Rulemaking Strategies through the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) Alexis Kennedy is a PhD candidate at the School of Public Affairs at the University of Colorado, Denver. Her research focuses on public and private relationships and their impact on the production and provision of public goods and services. She is also interested in community-engaged decision-making and social equity issues. To better understand how policy affects private investment of public outcomes, Kennedy’s dissertation examines how the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) requires banks to invest in community development. This research also explores whether the activities of banks over time align with the original intention of the CRA, and how stakeholders have participated in changing the CRA. Eden Kinkaid Assessing the impacts of COVID-19 on Arizona food systems Eden Kinkaid is a PhD candidate in Geography at the University of Arizona. Their research focuses on issues affecting local food systems in the state of Arizona, including food justice, COVID-19’s impacts on food and agriculture, and the intersections of food systems and economic development. Kinkaid’s study investigates the impacts of COVID-19 on food and agriculture in southern Arizona and examines how responses to these impacts are reshaping local food systems. This research aims to inform policy and institutional responses to support more equitable and resilient local food systems. Cesar B. Martinez-Alvarez What Makes the Local Stewardship of Forests Work? Institutions for Collective Action, Poverty Alleviation, and Ecosystem Protection in Mexico César B. Martínez-Álvarez is a PhD candidate in political science at the University of California, Los Angeles. His research focuses on environmental and climate change politics. In his dissertation, he studies the role of institutions and collective action in the stewardship of common-pool resources in Mexico. Over the last few decades, scholars and practitioners worldwide have promoted the decentralization of forest governance as a social policy that aims to reduce poverty and protect ecosystems from environmental degradation. Although research has shown that access to secure communal property rights is an effective way to enable sustainable development, Martinez-Alvarez’s dissertation explores why this is the case and under what circumstances by analyzing more than 32,000 rural communities in Mexico that collectively own the majority of the country’s forests. Chika Okafor Prosecutor Politics: The Impact of Election Cycles on Criminal Sentencing in the Era of Rising Incarceration Chika Okafor is a PhD Candidate in Economics at Harvard University. His scholarship lies at the intersection of law, economics, and public policy. It combines economic theory, econometric techniques, and legal analysis to explore socioeconomic inequality. Chika earned a JD from Yale Law School and a BA from Stanford University. Okafor’s research investigates how political incentives affect district attorney behavior. To do so, it compiles one of the most comprehensive datasets on the political careers of district attorneys in office during the steepest rise in U.S. incarceration. The project uses quasi-experimental methods to find causal evidence of the impact of election cycles on criminal sentencing outcomes and explores mechanisms behind these findings. Vedavati Patwardhan Maternal Cash Transfers and Child Nutrition: Evidence from India Vedavati Patwardhan is a Ph.D. Candidate in Public Policy and Management at the University of Washington, Seattle. Her research focuses on women’s economic empowerment and child nutrition in South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa. She holds an MA in Global Studies from UCSB and a BA in Economics from Pune University. Nutritional deficits during early life are detrimental for human capital outcomes. Hence, it is important to examine the impact of policies that target women during pregnancy and the post-natal period on child nutrition. Patwardhan’s research examines the impact of a conditional cash transfer “Mamata Scheme” targeted to pregnant and lactating mothers in Odisha, India. Using nationally representative survey data, she uses a difference-in-differences analysis to estimate program impacts on standardized height and weight measures for children under 5 years. Given that the Mamata Scheme is not means-tested, findings from this study are especially informative for the design and implementation of maternity benefit schemes in similar low and middle-income country contexts. Elizabeth Pfeffer Varieties of Punitiveness: The Political Economy of Punishment in Advanced Democracies ​ Robert K. Merton Award Elizabeth Pfeffer is a doctoral student at the University of Oxford in the Department of Politics and International Relations and studies the interplay of welfare state institutions and the criminal legal system. Her broader research interests include comparative political economy, electoral systems and behavior, inequality, race and ethnicity, and state capacity. Given the absence of definitive causality between crime and incarceration rates, Pfeffer’s dissertation asks why some countries address crime with punitive policies while others provide social welfare. Utilizing cross-country comparisons and a political economy framework, she investigates the political incentive structures and tradeoffs underpinning variation from both citizen and government perspectives. Shriya Rangarajan Characterizing resilience of local food systems: Influences of social capital and resource efficiency in building adaptive capacity Shriya Rangarajan is a PhD Candidate in Regional Science at Cornell University. Her research interests are largely derived from prior work with tribal communities in India and fall at the intersection of community resilience, food systems, and the circular economy. She holds prior degrees in urban planning and biotechnology. Rangarajan’s dissertation uses the pandemic as a natural experiment to investigate social capital’s role in the resilience of local food supply networks in Upstate New York. Data from surveys and interviews about farmers’ production and marketing adaptations will be modeled using social network analysis. It has implications for farmer organization, vegetable marketing, food security, and community resilience. Shoshana Shapiro Human Services Deserts?: Mapping the Safety Net in Possible Low Service Provision Counties Shoshana Shapiro is a PhD Candidate in Public Policy and Sociology at the University of Michigan. Shoshana is originally from Upstate New York and has previously worked in the Federal Office of Rural Health Policy and as a middle school English teacher. Wide geographic variation exists in access to the nonprofit human services safety net. In her dissertation, Shapiro uses IRS-990 data to identify counties that appear to have extremely low levels of human services provision, many of which are small and rural, and interviews local officials and service providers in these counties to learn more about the human services landscape. This research supports the policy goal of ensuring that all Americans have access to critical social safety net services such as food banks, homelessness shelters, emergency cash assistance, transportation assistance, and high-quality, affordable housing, no matter where they live. Hazal Erçin-Swearinger The Availability and Generosity of Medicaid Home & Community Based Services for Economically Vulnerable Older Adults: State Differences and Their Relationship to End of Life Outcomes Hazal Erçin-Swearinger is a Ph.D. Candidate in the School of Social Work, University of Washington. Her research focuses on health and social policies for individuals with chronic diseases and at the end of life. She is a fellow with Carol LaMare Scholars and Center for Integrative Oncology and Palliative Care Social Work. Erçin-Swearinger’s dissertation focuses on how state policies vary for home and community-based services and the association between this association and end of life outcomes of economically vulnerable older adults. Jonathan Tebes The Impact of Aggressive Policing on the Early-life Trajectory of Minority Teenagers ​ Donald R. Cressey Award As a Ph.D. candidate in economics at Harvard University, John Tebes broadly studies the causes and consequences of urban poverty. His research examines the impact of aggressive policing on children’s trajectory, the socially efficient level of police stops, and how holistic mentoring services can help low-income families achieve economic self-sufficiency. Black boys have lower incomes in adulthood than white boys in 99% of Census tracts. Police contact differs substantially by race within these neighborhoods. Tebes’s research will provide the first causal estimates of the cumulative effect of aggressive policing on education, crime, mortality, employment, and earnings of neighborhood teenagers. Catherine Thomas Advancing dignity in aid through narratives of agency: Evidence from the US, Kenya, and Niger ​ John L. Stanley Award Catherine Thomas is a PhD candidate in social psychology at Stanford University. Using insights from behavioral science and the lens of cultural psychology, she examines how economic and aid policies can be designed to both affect poverty reduction and social inclusion, with particular attention to dignity, agency, and economic behavior. Aid initiatives and governments are increasingly calling for ‘dignity’ as a policy goal, yet little research has specified its operationalization or advancement. In her dissertation, Thomas explores the concept across cultural contexts and examines how narratives of agency and psychological interventions might promote dignity, alongside poverty reduction and social inclusion, in social policy. Kasey Zapatka The Divergent Effects of Gentrification and Segregation on Housing Affordability Kasey Zapatka is a PhD candidate in sociology at The Graduate Center, City University of New York. He uses quantitative and spatial methods to study urban and spatial inequality. His dissertation focuses on how neighborhood change and segregation differentially shape housing affordability patterns across the racial and socioeconomic spectrum. Zapatka’s dissertation links spatial and household-level data to examine how gentrification and segregation differentially shape housing affordability patterns across the racial and socioeconomic spectrum. He is specifically interested in how intensifying affordability pressures impact minority and immigrant households and how they increasingly burden middle-class renters and homeowners.

  • Grant Information - Horowitz Foundation for Social Policy

    Meet the Foundation Mary Curtis Horowitz & Dr. Irving Louis Horowitz, Founders The Horowitz Foundation for Social Policy was established in 1997 by Irving Louis Horowitz and Mary Curtis Horowitz and has been funded by contributions from them since its inception. The Foundation received approval as a not-for-profit 501 (c)(3) organization in 1998. The Foundation's general purpose is to support the advancement of research and understanding in the major fields of the social sciences. Its specific purpose is to provide small grants to aspiring PhD students at the dissertation level to support the research they are undertaking for their project. ​ The idea for the Foundation emerged from Irving Louis Horowitz’s experience working with doctoral students. He found that many faced financial barriers to completing their research. Dr. Horowitz initially provided assistance to these scholars personally, and later through Transaction Publishers’ Grants-in-Publication Program. After the termination of that program, the foundation was established in 1997. The first grants were issued in 1999. Dr. Irving Louis Horowitz, 1968 Board of Trustees Dedication. Expertise. Passion. Irving Louis Horowitz (1929–2012) Founding Chairman Rutgers University Mary Curtis Horowitz Trustee Transaction Publishers (President, 1997-2017) Ayse Akincigil Chairman Rutgers University Ray C. Rist, Vice Chairman The World Bank Richard L. Edwards Trustee Emeritus Rutgers University Hans-Martin Boehmer - Duke University Jonathan D. Breul - Georgetown University Michal Grinstein-Weiss - Washington University in St. Louis Mary M. McKay - Washington University in St. Louis Nandini Ramanujam - McGill University William M. Rodgers III - Rutgers University Maggie Schneiderman - National Geographic Society William Strong - Kotin Crabtree & Strong Jos Vaessen - Inter-American Development Bank Allison Zippay - Rutgers University Aim and Mission To support emerging scholars through small grants; To promote scholarship with a social policy application; and ​ To encourage projects that address contemporary issues in the social sciences. Grants Grants are based solely on merit. Each is worth a total of $10,000; $7,500 is awarded initially and $2,500 upon completion of the project. ​ For grant recipients to be entitled to their second installment, they must show evidence of one of the following: Acceptance and approval of their dissertation; Acceptance of an article based on the research by a peer-reviewed journal; or Invitation to write and publish a book chapter based on the research. Grants are non-renewable and recipients have five years from announcement of the award to complete their project and claim their final payment. Eligibility Eligibility Beginning in 2023 you CANNOT apply more than once. If you have applied before 2023 and want to apply again, you are still eligible. ​ Applicants must be current PhD (or DrPH) candidates who are working on their dissertation; ​​ Applicants must not have a PhD; those who do, are ineligible; ​Applicants must have defended their dissertation proposal or had their topic approved by their department; ​Applicants can be from any country and any university in the world. US citizenship or residency is not required. Criteria Criteria The foundation supports projects with a social policy application on either a global or local level. Applications are evaluated based on the Trustees’ assessment of criteria such as: feasibility, applicability, originality, methodology, theoretically informed or empirically rich research, and recommendation forms. No specific weight is given to any one area. Proposals are evaluated based on overall merit of all aspects of the application. ​ We encourage applicants to look at the kind of projects we have supported in previous years. See Previous Recipients. Conditions Conditions Awards are made to individuals, not institutions. If processed through an institution, a waiver for overhead is required. ​Recipients are expected to acknowledge assistance provided by the foundation in any publication resulting from their research and should notify the Foundation with publication details. Grants are issued immediately on receipt of an acceptance letter from the recipient. It is the applicant's responsibility to ensure the grant does not conflict with other funding they have secured. Grants are usually administered in June of the year they are decided. Grant recipients will be publicized on the foundation's website, in appropriate professional media, and a press release to university media offices. Special Awards Special Awards Each year, the Trustees issue special monetary awards for the two most outstanding projects. These awards cannot be applied for directly, and are only granted at the discretion of the Trustees. Irving Louis Horowitz Award Overall most outstanding project This award carries with it an additional $5,000. Trustees' Award ​For the most innovative approach in theory and/or methodology ​This award carries with it an additional $3,000.

  • Grant Information - Horowitz Foundation for Social Policy

    GRANT INFORMATION Aim and Mission Grant Information Funding Amount Funding Available Eligibility Who can apply? Criteria Criteria Conditions Conditions Special Awards Special Awards Aim and Mission ​ To support emerging scholars through small grants; ​ To promote scholarship with a social policy application; and ​ To encourage projects that address contemporary issues in the social sciences. ​ Funding Grants are based solely on merit. Each is worth a total of $7,500; $5,000 is awarded initially and $2,500 upon completion of the project. ​ For grant recipients to be entitled to their second installment, they must show evidence of one of the following: Acceptance and approval of their dissertation; Acceptance of an article based on the research by a peer-reviewed journal; or Invitation to write and publish a book chapter based on the research. Grants are non-renewable and recipients have five years from announcement of the award to complete their project and claim their final payment. ​ Eligibility Applicants must be current PhD (or DrPH) candidates who are working on their dissertation; ​ ​ Applicants must not have a PhD; those who do, are ineligible; ​ Applicants must have defended their dissertation proposal or had their topic approved by their department; ​ Applicants can be from any country and any university in the world. US citizenship or residency is not required. ​ ​ Criteria The foundation supports projects with a social policy application on either a global or local level. Applications are evaluated based on the Trustees’ assessment of criteria such as: feasibility, applicability, originality, methodology, theoretically informed or empirically rich research, and letters of recommendation. No specific weight is given to any one area. Proposals are evaluated based on overall merit of all aspects of the application. We encourage applicants to look at the kind of projects we have supported in previous years. See Previous Recipients . ​ ​ Conditions ​ Awards are made to individuals, not institutions. If processed through an institution, a waiver for overhead is required. ​ Recipients are expected to acknowledge assistance provided by the foundation in any publication resulting from their research and should notify the foundation with publication details. Grants are issued immediately on receipt of an acceptance letter from the recipient. It is the applicant's responsibility to ensure the grant does not conflict with other funding they have secured. Grants are usually administered in June of the year they are decided. Grant recipients will be publicized on the foundation's website, in appropriate professional media, and a press release to university media offices. ​ ​ Special Awards Each year, the Trustees issue special monetary awards for the most outstanding project in specific subject-matter areas. These awards cannot be applied for directly, and are only granted at the discretion of the Trustees. Special Award recipients receive an additional $1,500, unless otherwise noted: Donald R. Cressey Award Criminal Justice and Penology Practices ​ Eli Ginzberg Award Health and Welfare, particularly in urban settings Harold D. Lasswell Award International Relations and Foreign Affairs Irving Louis Horowitz Award Overall most outstanding project This award carries with it an additional $5,000. John L. Stanley Award History and Ethics Joshua Feigenbaum Award Arts, Popular Culture, and Mass Communication Martinus Nijhoff Award Science, Technology, and Medicine ​ Robert K. Merton Award Addresses the relationship between Social Theory and Public Policy ​ Trustees' Award For the most innovative approach in theory and/or methodology This award carries with it an additional $3,000. Eligibility Mission Funding Conditions Criteria Special Awards

  • Press Release - 2017 Grant Awards

    PRESS RELEASE Contact: Mary E. Curtis 732-445-2280 For immediate release ​ ​ HOROWITZ FOUNDATION AWARDS GRANTS TO 19 SCHOLARS FOR SOCIAL POLICY RESEARCH ​ May 29, 2018, New Brunswick, NJ –The Horowitz Foundation for Social Policy has selected nineteen scholars to receive grants for research in the social sciences for the 2017 award year. Those receiving awards, their research topics, and the institutions with which they are affiliated are listed at the end of this announcement. ​ “This year the foundation celebrated its 20th year of providing graduate education funding in the social sciences. Our grants remain among the largest available to social science students,” said Chairman, Mary E. Curtis, “ranging from $7,500 to $12,500. The awards remain highly competitive, with only about 4% of completed applications receiving awards. With our new online application system it is now simpler than ever to apply.” About the Horowitz Foundation for Social Policy The Horowitz Foundation for Social Policy was established in 1997 by Irving Louis Horowitz and Mary E. Curtis as a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization. Its general purpose is to support the advancement of research and understanding in the major fields of the social sciences. Its specific purpose is to provide small grants to aspiring PhD students at the dissertation level to support the research they are undertaking for their project. Grants are awarded solely on the Trustees’ assessment of the merit of the project. All awards are to individuals, and not institutions. Applicants need not be US citizens or based in the United States. Since inception, the foundation has awarded grants to well over 200 scholars from over 100 different universities around the world. An increasing number of applications cross traditional disciplinary boundaries, which speaks to the importance of policy studies in the academic world and beyond. ​ Applications for 2018 Awards Award applications for next year open July 1, 2018 and all application materials must be received by December 1, 2018. Applicants are encouraged to begin their application online as early as possible. Incomplete applications will not be considered. Award winners for 2018 will be announced on or before June 1, 2019. ​ Additional information, including a list of previous recipients, is available on the Horowitz Foundation website . ​ 2017 Horowitz Foundation Award Winners (Alphabetical order) Gulrez Azhar Pardee RAND Graduate School Indian Summer: Three Essays on Heatwave Vulnerability, Estimation, and Adaptation Laura Bellows Duke University Immigration Enforcement and Student Achievement Danielle Carr Columbia University The Privatized Cyborg: Emergent Forms of Personhood in Neural Implants for Psychiatric Disorder Robert Collinson New York University The Causes and Consequences of Residential Evictions: Evidence from New York City Sharon Cornelissen Princeton University Greening the Neighborhood: Community, Bucolic Blight, and Race in Northwest Detroit Veronica Horowitz The University of Minnesota Towards a Sociology of Mercy: A Mixed Methods Analysis of Commutation Release in the United States Surabhi Karambelkar University of Arizona Hydropower on the Colorado River: Examining Institutions, Conflicts, and Consequences of Changing Dam Operations Michael Laughlin University of Missouri-Columbia Racial Disparity in Police Killings David Lucas George Mason University Alleviating Homelessness: Assessing an Alternative Approach Adam Markovitz University of Michigan Medical School Formation, Impact, and Perspectives of Accountable Care Organizations Matthew Pecenco University of California, Berkeley Do Rehabilitative Prison Policies Work? Evidence from a Natural Experiment in the Dominican Republic Isabel Perera University of Pennsylvania States of Mind: The Comparative Political Economy of Mental Health Deepak Premkumar University of California, Berkeley The Ferguson Effect: Do High-Profile Fatal Encounters with Police Lead to Reductions in Arresting Intensity? Kelly Russell University of Michigan Becoming Good Investments: Pay for Success and the Financialization of Deservingness William Schpero Yale University Robbing Peter to Pay Paul: Who Gains When States Increase Investment in Medicaid? Michael Schumacher Loyola University Chicago Dying to Fight: The Individual and Social Processes of the Foreign Fighter Phenomenon Aparna Soni Indiana University Reducing Health Disparities among People Diagnosed with Cancer: The Role of Public Health Insurance Expansions Mary Stitt University of Texas at Austin Medicalizing Justice: Therapeutic Alternatives in the Criminal Courts Margaret Thomas Boston University Material Hardship, Public Program Participation, and Children’s Wellbeing 2017 Special Award Recipients Donald R. Cressey Award Michael Laughlin Eli Ginzberg Award David Lucas Harold D. Lasswell Award Michael Schumacher Robert K. Merton Award Danielle Carr Martinus Nijhoff Award Gulrez Azhar John L. Stanley Award Sharon Cornelissen Irving Louis Horowitz Award Adam Markovitz Mary E. Curtis, Chairman Irving Louis Horowitz, Chairman Emeritus Post Office Box 7 Rocky Hill, New Jersey, 08553-0007

  • The Horowitz Foundation for Social Policy

    Click here to apply! Applications are due on December 1, 2019 1/1 2022 Application Cycle Under Review! eMail List Join for updates Sign Up Horowitz Foundation for Social Policy News Sign up Above for Email Alerts for Upcoming 2022 Application Deadlines March 2023: María-Elena Giner, 2020 Grant Recipient, is published in the Journal of Environmental Science & Policy for research entitled "Assessing the impact of wastewater infrastructure along the Texas-Mexico Border: Did we make a difference on contagious diseases?" February 2023: Anisa Kline, 2021 Recipient, is published by the Ohio Latino Affairs Commission for research entitled "Latino H2A Workers and Their Importance for Ohio" 2022: Betsy Q. Cliff, 2018 Recipient, is published in Health Services Research for research entitled "Do high-deductible health plans affect price paid for childbirth?" July 2022: Call for Applications June 2022: Press Release, Horowitz Foundation Announces 2021 Awards March 2022: Shiran Shen, 2016 Grant Recipient, published a book, "The Political Regulation Wave: A Case of How Local Incentives Systemically Shape Air Quality in China" October 12, 2021: Douglas Luke installed as the Irving Louis Horowitz Professor in Social Policy at Washington University in Saint Louis' Brown School. July 26, 2021: Call for Applications June 23, 2021: Press Release, Horowitz Foundation Announces 2020 Awards 2020: Danielle Judith Zola Carr, 2017 Recipient, is published in History of the Human Sciences for research entitled "‘Ghastly marionettes’ and the political metaphysics of cognitive liberalism: Anti-behaviourism, language, and the origins of totalitarianism" July 1, 2020: Press Release, Horowitz Foundation Awards Grants to 25 Scholars for Social Policy Research February 2020: Alexis Walker, 2011 Grant Recipient, publishes a new book based on research partially funded by HFSP: https:/ May, 2019: UC - Berkeley Events and Media, DCRP PH.D. CANDIDATE RECEIVES HOROWITZ FOUNDATION GRANT October 3, 2018: Inside Higher Ed Weekly Newsletter, Advertisement September 22, 2018: Philanthropy News Digest, Horowitz Foundation for Social Policy Accepting Applications for Research August 7th, 2018: ProFellow Call for Applications , PhD Candidates: Apply Now for 2018 Social Policy Research Grants July 11, 2018: Veronica Horowitz (2017 winner) & Christopher Uggen, "Consistency and Compensation in Mercy: Commutation in the Era of Mass Incarceration" , Social Forces

  • Press Release - 2016 Winners | horowitz-foundation

    PRESS RELEASE Contact: Mary E. Curtis 732-659-9197 For immediate release ​ ​ HOROWITZ FOUNDATION AWARDS GRANTS TO 20 SCHOLARS FOR SOCIAL POLICY RESEARCH ​ May 23, 2017, New Brunswick, NJ – The Horowitz Foundation for Social Policy has selected twenty scholars to receive grants for research in the social sciences for the 2016 award year. Those receiving awards, their research topics, and the institutions with which they are affiliated are listed at the end of this announcement. “This year the foundation saw a marked increase in not just the number of applications, but also the number of applicants holding citizenship in other countries, although surprisingly all recipients attend US institutions,” said Chairman, Mary E. Curtis. “The winners were chosen by the Trustees for their potential to contribute to social policy on both a global and local level. As we look forward to celebrating our twentieth year in 2018, we hope to continue aiding international scholars at home and abroad.” About the Horowitz Foundation for Social Policy The Horowitz Foundation for Social Policy was established in 1997 by Irving Louis Horowitz and Mary E. Curtis as a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization. Its general purpose is to support the advancement of research and understanding in the major fields of the social sciences. Its specific purpose is to provide small grants to aspiring PhD students at the dissertation level to support the research they are undertaking for their project. Grants are awarded solely on the Trustees’ assessment of the merit of the project. All awards are to individuals, and not institutions. Since inception, the foundation has awarded grants to more than 200 scholars from over 100 different universities around the world. An increasing number of applications cross traditional disciplinary boundaries, which speaks to the importance of policy studies in the academic world and beyond. ​ Applications for 2017 Awards Award applications for next year open July 1, 2017 and all application materials are due on December 1, 2017. This represents a deadline change from previous years, which will enable award announcements to be made before the end of the academic year. Applicants are encouraged to begin their application online as early as possible. Incomplete applications will not be processed. Award winners for 2017 will be announced in May 2018. Additional information, including a list of previous recipients, is available on the Horowitz Foundation website . ​ 2016 Horowitz Foundation Award Winners Burcu Baykurt Columbia University “The City as Data Machine: Local Governance in the Age of Big Data” Andrew Breck New York University “The Effect of Participation in Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program on Health and Healthcare Expenditure” Vicki Chen University of Pennsylvania “Paying to Stay: Why Medicare's Payment System for Home Health Care leads to Inefficiency and Waste” Elizabeth Clark Duke University “Policy Demand and the Rights to Organize: Emergence of Cooperative Fishery Governance” Ellen Dinsmore University of Wisconsin, Madison “Blurring the Thin Blue Line: The Rise of the ‘Military Model’ in American Policing” Philip Garboden Johns Hopkins University “The Geography of Profit: How Landlord Decisions Impact the Supply and Location of Subsidized Housing” Ausmita Ghosh Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis “Maternal and Infant Health Impacts of Public Health Insurance Expansions” Sebastian Lemire University of California, Los Angeles “Meta-Modeling Assertive Community Treatment” Erik Lin-Greenberg Columbia University “Game of Drones: The Effect of Technology on Conflict Onset and Initiation” Timothy Passmore University of Colorado Boulder “Pacifying the Peacekeepers: How Involvement in UN Peacekeeping Reduces the Domestic Threat of the Military” Rebecca Perlman Stanford University “When Regulations Fail: Setting Standards Under Asymmetric Information” Davin Reed New York University “Distributional and Welfare Effects of Gentrification” Manuel Rosaldo University of California, Berkeley “From Informal Work to Decent Work? Integrating Waste Pickers into Formal Waste Management in Brazil and Colombia” Shiran Shen Stanford University “The Inconvenient Truth of the Political Pollution Cycle: Theory and Evidence from China” Benjamin Shestakofsky University of California, Berkeley “Working Algorithms: Software Automation and the Future of Work” Talia Shiff Northwestern University “‘Framing the Case’: Bureaucratic Efficiency Pressures in the Humanitarian Politicization, Legitimation, and Adjudication of Refugee Claims” Sujeong Shim University of Wisconsin, Madison “Catalytic Politics: When do International Monetary Fund (IMF) Programs Trigger Private Capital into the Borrowing Country?” Jamie Sommer Stony Brook University “Is Bilateral Environmental Aid Effective? A Cross-National Analysis of Forest Loss” Andreas Wiedemann Massachusetts Institute of Technology “Borrowed Dreams: Household Debt and the Social Policy Mismatch in Germany, Denmark, and the United States” Alon Yakter University of Michigan, Ann Arbor “Circles of Solidarity: Diversity and Welfare Policies in Developed Democracies” Special Awards are granted to projects that are considered outstanding in certain fields of research and come with additional grant money. Special Awards were selected as follows: 2016 Special Award Recipients Donald R. Cressey Award Ellen Dinsmore Eli Ginzberg Award Vicki Chen Harold D. Lasswell Award Timothy Passmore Robert K. Merton Award Alon Yakter Martinus Nijhoff Award Ausmita Ghosh Irving Louis Horowitz Award Erik Lin-Greenberg Mary E. Curtis, Chairman Irving Louis Horowitz, Chairman Emeritus Post Office Box 7 Rocky Hill, New Jersey, 08553-0007

  • 2005 Grant Recipients Horowitz Foundation for Social Policy

    All Previous Recipients 2006 GRANT RECIPIENTS For Applications Received in 2005 The Effect of Victim Input on Parole Release Decisions Joel M. Caplan University of Pennsylvania School of Social Policy & Practice Determinants of Dispute Resolution Outcomes in the World Trade Organization Special Recognition: John L. Stanley Award​ Joseph A. Conti University of California at Santa Barbara Sociology ​ ​ The Political Economy of Immigrant Integration in Europe Rafaela Mirjam Dancygier Yale University Political Science Men’s Multi-Partnered Fertility: Implications for Paternal Involvement Karen Benjamin Guzzo University of Pennsylvania Sociology Modern Segregation: Suburbanization and the Black Middle Class Rodney Harrell University of Maryland Urban Studies and Planning Effects of Government Structures on Foreign Policy Decision-Making Dorle Hellmuth Catholic University of America World Politics Graying of an Epidemic: Social Policy and HIV/AIDS Education and Prevention Special Recognition: Eli Ginzberg Award Ann Marie Hickey University of Kansas Sociology Public Safety and Making a Living in an American Prison Town Andrea Morrell City University of New York/Graduate Center Anthropology Agents of Social Change? Police Engagement in Social Policy Liliokanaio Peaslee Brandeis University Politics and Social Policy Social Isolation and Neighborhood Mobility over Childhood Special Recognition: Robert K. Merton Award​ Patrick Thomas Sharkey Harvard University Sociology and Social Policy Human Rights in U.S., British, and French Foreign Policies Marketa Valkova Brandeis University Politics and Social Policy

  • 2000 | horowitz-foundation

    All Previous Recipients 2000 GRANT RECIPIENTS For Applications Received in 1999 Israeli Policy Toward Ethiopian Jews Mitchell G. Bard American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise Merit or Equity: Academic Criteria in Canadian Tenure Stream Advertisements John J. Furedy University of Toronto The Political Party System in Post-Apartheid South Africa Jessica Piombo Massachusetts Institute of Technology One America?: Presidential Leadership and the Dilemma of Diversity Stanley Renshon The City University of New York Closer to a Pluralist Heaven: Advocacy Groups and the Politics of Representation Dara Z. Strolovitch Yale University Reconsidering the Cost of Business Cycles with Uncertainty and Habit Formation Huiyan Zhang The Johns Hopkins University

  • 2005 | horowitz-foundation

    All Previous Recipients 2005 GRANT RECIPIENTS For Applications Received in 2004 Public Housing in Chicago: Emplacing Welfare and Well Being in Urban America Catherine K. Fennell University of Chicago Department of Sociology The New Cosmopolitans: Educational Segregation in the United States Thurston Domina City University of New York Department of Anthropology Social Policy Regimes in Newly Liberalized Economies Maria Candelaria Garay University of California at Berkeley Department of Political Science Membership, Friendship and Social Context: Interracial Contact and Public Opinion toward Immigrants and Immigration Control Shang E. Ha University of Chicago Political Science What Happens When Wal-Mart Comes to Town: Big Retailers Competition Effects on Small Retailers Panle Jia Yale University Department of Economics Trade Union Support for European Integration and the European Social Agenda Kristine Eileen Mitchell Princeton University Department of Politics Utilizing Religious Law as a Means of Progressing Human Rights in Illiberal Politics Yuksel Sezgin University of Washington Political Science Department After the “Last Resort”: Investigating the Effects of Payday Loans Paige Skiba University of California at Berkeley Department of Economics Jeremy Tobacman Harvard University Department of Economics Economic Inequality: Its Spatial Concentration and Voter Participation Amy Melissa Widestrom Syracuse University Political Science Department Authoritative Churches and Racial Interaction Joseph Eugene Yi University of Chicago Department of Political Science

  • TRANSACTION | horowitz-foundation

    Transaction Publishers is an independent publisher of social science books. Started by, three distiguished social scientists – Alvin W. Gouldner, Lee Rainwater, and Irving Louis Horowitz – with a grant from the Ford Foundation at Washington University in 1962, Transaction Publishers evolved from a foundation-supported university activity into a privately-funded, university-based publishing house. Within a few years both Gouldner and Rainwater moved on to distinguished teaching positions elsewhere, while Horowitz became the organization’s first president and, later, editorial director until 2012. Since then, Transaction has built an enduring reputation for excellence as an independent publisher and distributor of social science books, including a wide selection of series and serial publications. Publishing renowned and emerging authors in the core disciplines of economics, political science, history, sociology, anthropology, and psychology, Transaction’s scope has grown to include urban studies, policy analysis, philosophy, organizational behavior, criminology, and more. While the foundation is independent of Transaction Publishers, Transaction accepts unsolicited manuscripts for consideration and encourages anyone from the social sciences with a completed manuscript to review the Manuscript Submission Guidelines or contact the editorial team . More on Transaction Publishers

  • Board of Trustees - The Horowitz Foundation for Social Policy

    Board of Trustees BOARD OF TRUSTEES Irving L. Horowitz (1929–2012), Founding Chairman Rutgers University ​ Mary Curtis Horowitz , Chairman Transaction Publishers (President, 1997-2017) ​ Ray C. Rist , Vice Chairman The World Bank ​ Ayse Akincigil Rutgers University ​ David J. Armor, Emeritus George Mason University ​ Hans-Martin Boehmer Duke University ​ Jonathan D. Breul Georgetown University ​ Richard L. Edwards Rutgers University ​ Pearl Eliadis McGill University ​ Michal Grinstein-Weiss Washington University in St. Louis ​ Melissa Jonson-Reid Washington University in St. Louis Mary M. McKay Washington University in St. Louis ​ Nandini Ramanujam McGill University ​ William M. Rodgers III Rutgers University ​ Maggie Schneiderman ​ Jos Vaessen The World Bank ​

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