For Applications Received in 2008
Holy Warlords: The Rise of Islamist Movements in Afghanistan and Somalia
Special Recognition: Harold D. Lasswell Award
Aisha S. Ahmad
McGill University
Political Science
The Power of Politics vs. the Politics of Power: Exploring the Political Activism of Armed Groups and its Regulation
Special Recognition: John L. Stanley Award
Benedetta Berti Alberti
Tufts University
Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy
Declining City, Born Again Citadel: Evangelical Reconstitution of Urban Life in Postindustrial America
Michael James Boyle
City University of New York Graduate Center
Eviction and the Reproduction of Inner-City Poverty
Special Recognition: Eli Ginzberg Award
Matthew Stephen Desmond
University of Wisconsin
Child Care Subsidies: Policy Tools for Enhancing the Lives of Low Income Children
Anna Duncan Johnson
Columbia University
Organized Interests and the Process of Government in the Early American Republic: 1783-1800
Special Recognition: Joshua Feigenbaum Award
David Keenan
Northwestern University
Keeping Up or Keeping Afloat?: How and Why American Households Overspend
Jeffrey D. Lundy
University of California – San Diego
Private Litigation, Public Policy Enforcement: The Regulatory Power of Private Litigation and American Bureaucracy
Quinn W. Mulroy
Columbia University
Political Science
One Man’s Terrorist is Another Man’s Freedom Fighter: Framing Dynamics in the Construction of Terrorist Populations
Elena E. Pokalova
Kent State University
Political Science
An Economic Analysis of Trade Secrets: Evidence from the Economic Espionage Act of 1996
Special Recognition: Martinus Nijhoff Award
Nicola Charlotte Searle
University of St. Andrews
The Organizational Problems of Organized Crime: How to Combat Thieves, Thugs, Terrorists and Traffickers
Special Recognition: Robert K. Merton Award
David Benjamin Skarbek
George Mason University
Why Inequality Persists: Race, Class and Assimilation in Multi-Ethnic America
Van C. Tran
Harvard University
Sociology and Social Policy